Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Iodine diet and getting ready for treatment

D and I went to meet with my nuclear medicine doctor to go over what to expect next week. He was really nice and spent over an hour with us going over everything. Not only that but he wasn't just any doc, but the chief of the department. Thanks to awesome doc friends who work at Georgetown University Hospital (you know who you are) D and I are grateful that I seem to have been blessed with my own dream team of doctors. This has brought us both much comfort despite the chaos of cancer treatment. I'm still waiting for the nurses to finalize my schedule for next week but so far so good. In the meantime I started the low iodine diet on the 18th and admit to start off I felt like I was starving, but thanks to the website and their low iodine cookbook and D's and my cooking a ton of food from scratch (which takes a long time and is a lot of work) I am doing better.Who knew homemade ketchup takes 2 days to make? Granted I yearn for a tall glass of milk and dream about butter and all other food that I can't have but praise God that my stomach has stopped talking to the masses. My doc also mentioned that I can stop the diet after I get out of the hospital most likely on Thursday. I am really looking forward to that!
So to sum up my schedule for next week, I have tests and a shot on Monday, another shot Tuesday followed by more tests, a tracer dose of radiation and a full body scan, Wednesday I take the full dose of cancer killing radiation then have a body scan again and head to isolation in the hospital overnight. After I go home I need to stay away from people until the 12th and take a bunch of precautions to not expose others to radiation. I have another body scan on the 10th.

Thank you for your prayers and all the kindnesses you have bestowed on me, I am so thankful for them and the positive attitude God has blessed me with these past few weeks. I give Him all the glory that I am on the path to be cancer free and pray that I can use this journey as a witness to others.
Happy Early Valentines day to you all and much love~Wendy


  1. Dearest Wendy,

    I apologize for forgetting about this link to be updated about your preparation for the treatment next week. Thanks for sending it to me again - you know that at all times, the Contys on 3272 Blue Heron are here to assist you and David.

    Love, Nanay

  2. my thoughts will be with as they often are! much peace and love to you!

  3. Standing with you in prayer for God's healing power to rain down on you and cleanse your body from all cancer. Believing with you for a speedy recovery, and for lots of love and support from your family and friends. Hang in there-his mercies are new every morning!!


  4. so anxious to hear how everything is going?? Tryig patiently to wait for news and continuing to pray for all of you!! L, Mrs. Mc
