Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yesterday I had written this wonderfully eloquent and scripture and spirit filled message but after hitting spell checker it was wiped clean…so here’s my second attempt, praying it works this time :)

I can’t tell you how happy I am that 2009 is over. I started the year almost beside myself with hope of good things to come but after losing our son the day after our 8 year wedding anniversary and the day before I would be 4 months pregnant, then having to end a 3rd successful IVF pregnancy after it was determined to be ectopic, and wrapping up the year with being diagnosed with Thyroid cancer it was a tough year. However, through it all I have not lost hope, or faith for that matter. I would venture to say that my marriage is stronger, my relationships deeper, my faith challenged to its core, and my hope more sincere. I’ve been a Christian since I was 9 years old and never have my faith and walk been more tested. I felt more pain than I thought I could bear and wept more tears then I thought possible but somehow God helps me get out of bed every morning. I thank God for surrounding me with a husband whose faith is solid and family and friends who have been prayer warriors for us. The Lord has been working in me and telling me not to waste the gift of life. The senior pastor at our church even started an appropriately named sermon series called “Wasted” this month and the Lord led D to lead a small group this coming semester with a study based on the book of Job. As I look ahead I know 2010 will bring my follow up cancer treatment in early February and hopefully the ability to try again for a family come the end of the year. I’m sure there will be other bumps and bruises along the way but as scripture says He will never leave us.

Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."


  1. You are a strong woman Wendy! Much love to You and D and good luck in 2010!

  2. What a beautiful post. We continue to pray for you and are truly inspired by your strength, faith, and hope. :-) May God richly bless you in 2010!!
    Kylie H.

  3. Wendy--although you are the one undergoing trials, you manage to encourage and inspire the rest of us. Praise God that you are able to see what you have and not on what you don't. That is a challenge for me as well. Stay strong. Hugs--
