It's hard to believe that it's been 9 years since I stood before God, my family and friends and became Mrs. Wendy C. I had heard that if you can get through the first 5 years, you can get through anything. Well, I'd beg to differ with that one as this last year has been the hardest of my life. Thankfully what had gotten me through this past year in addition to my faith has been my strong marriage, through it all I have been blessed with a husband who has been there for me when I desperately needed him. I struggle with the thought that I haven't been there for him as much as he has been there for me,I struggle with the ways he needs to be comforted as I selfishly think of only myself sometimes. We are so blessed to also have a Heavenly Father that promises to always be there for us, and we both needed HIM so much more through the loss of 3 pregnancies and a battle with cancer. Scripture tells us to praise Him in the storms, and we certainly have tried to do that although admittedly our sinful nature is in a constant fight with the wanting to ask 'why me' and 'this isn't fair'....
I share this all to say how much I love D and am trilled that he picked me to be his wife, I still get butterflies sometimes when we hold hands.
Tomorrow marks a year since we lost our son a day shy of being 16 weeks along. It also would have been the due date of our 3rd pregnancy had it not been emotions will be running high. I want to get past the hurt and celebrate the fact that lil'Dennis has been at the Lord's feet all this time and for eternity but I still mourn the loss and think of it everyday.